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Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman

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Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman Empty Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman

Post  Räserbaj Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:01 pm

A. Basic Information

* Name?
Robin Widegren

* Age? Gender?
Soon 17, Male

* Time zone?
GMT+1 (Sweden)

* Occupation?
Studying to become computer programmer, graphical designer.

* Tell us a little about yourself.
Well, I'm quite a young man (boy?) from southern Sweden, always got a joke up my sleeve when I think its suitable. Im rarely on a bad mood, and then I dont let it out on others, always trying to be nice a participate to a better gaming community for our server and my guild. I'm very dedicated in everything I do, dont do anything halfdone. On my sparetime (except from playing wow) I play guitar and Im also quite an athlete.

* How long have you played WoW?
Since 2 months before The Burning Crusade.

* Total time on this character?
Dont thinks its more then around 50 days or so, started it a week before Wrath of the Lich King, played mage before.

* Do you intend to play long term?
Yes, I do. Very recently got back from a months wow break and feeling the need for adrenaline and spamming my chain heal Razz

B. System Information

* What are your computer system specs?
At the moment my gaming laptop is at service so cant check, but 4GHz processor, nVidia GeForce m9650GT 1GB and 4 gig of RAM. Usually play at 60+ FPS but locked at 30 avoid lagspikes.

* Do you have a mic?
Yes, and it works as intended.

* Do you have any objections to speaking on vent when needed?
No, I enjoy conversating over vent so should never be a problem to yell out anything during raids or so. Sometimes on thrash it can be hard to keep my mouth shut... Smile

* Do you have any disconnection problem at all?
Not yet, and I never intend to make enemys with my broadband company.

* Average Latency while raiding?
<80...Goes at 200 if im downloading, which im not during raids...

* Average FPS in raid during a boss?
Locked at 30 and stays there constantly, except on Marrowgar, wheres its around 5 for some strange reason. On every other boss its perfect...

C. Raiding and Character information

1. Character Name | Spec | Class | Race
Räserbajs | Restoration | Shaman |Troll (Dude, dont decline me because im troll, mkay?)

2. Are you a clicker? Be honest
I have even keybound my proffesions...

3. Are you exalted with Sons of Hodir?
Along time ago, the good old days where you actually have to do dailys Razz

4. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? Specify the guilds you were in/leadership role/responsibility.
Do you count scholomance? Razz

Karazhan...alot of Karazhan, my guild was crazy in that instance Razz
Zul'Aman, 2 bosses I think
SSC, full clear
Hyjal 1 boss.

Did not play seriously in BC.

Naxx 10 13/13
Naxx 25 13/13 (Server 8th on Kel'Thuzad I think...Guild was Muffin Vendor)
OS 10 4/4
OS 25 4/4
Malygos 10 1/1
Malygos 25 0/1 (never attempted)
Ulduar 10 13/14 (Got drake from HM's)
Ulduar 25/ 7-8/14 (dont remember, quite a while since...)
Totc 10 5/5
Totgc 10 3/5
Totc 25 5/5
Totgc 25 2/5
ICC 10 11/12 - 6 on heroic
11 25 10/12 - Dont remember HC...

5. Provide an armory link to your character and a wowhead link to your normal raiding spec. - Hope that works Razz, otherwise Ill edit it with a wowhead link.

6. You will need lots of consumables to keep up with the pace during progression raids. Do you have the will and time to put in enough effort to keep an adequate amount?
I got plenty of gold and Im also an alchemist so got good amount of flasks with me everytime...Ill always come prepared for what ever the challange may be.

7. Will you come to a progression raid having already read any available information relevant to encounters?
Yes, ofcourse... I dont want to be the guy who screws up Razz... Had the tacs to LK momerized as soon as they where avaliable, even thought I would not put my feet in his hallway until after 2 months after that...

8. What do you think about beginning raids early and staying beyond the required raid times to down new content?
"Thats the spirit!"...its the only real way to progress as a top guild, right? Push it to the limit, I'll be ar your backs...

9. Post a WWS report / Wow Meter Online / World of Logs of a few recent raids in your guild. If your guild does not run these, post a screenshot(s) of your recount for some boss encounters. (DO NOT LEAVE THIS OUT)
Since my computer is no longer in use I have no screenshots or havent played for 3 weeks or something so dont got any meter avaliable, could ofcourse manage to get a screenshot when I buy new prepaid tomorow...

10. Post a screenshot of your UI while in a raid enviroment (in combat). (Give a list of any relevant addons not shown.)
As previously said, I dont got any screenshot... I use Dominos, pitbull, sexymap, grid, recount..thats basicly it... When I build my UIs I have only 1 goal, make it as easy to heal as possible...think Ive suceeded quite well...

D. Dual Spec

1. What is your secondary spec?

2. Are you able to play it as well as your main spec?
Play it as well - I guess, never really tryed it out...Perform - No, lack some hit in my healing gear Razz

3. Are you willing to change your main spec and/or secondary spec for guild needs?
Ofcourse, but I can say that I really love healing, since its what I do best, otherwise I would be pumping out far amount of damage like every dps horny teenager out there Razz

E. Other Questions

1. What guild are you currently in? Who is/was the GM? Include their website.
Before I left wow for a break I was in "Pömsiga Krigare". Amiilo was GM and I was an officer, worked my way up. Also admin on their website. Guild disbanded soon after I left, think the site will still be up:

2. Why are you leaving your current guild?
Left the game since it was taking over my life totally, met a sweet girl so gave it up for her, now she started playing soo, what choice do you have?

3. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
Yes, Im mostly just chatting around with fellow guildies and friends, but also farming my flasks, doing some fun achievments when I feel for it, and ofcourse (my favorite) join eye of the storm as elemental and thunderstorm down those annoynig gnomes Razz

4. Are you able to take and improve upon harsh criticism?
Thats the only way to improve, if Im doing something wrong, Ill INSIST that you tell me what im doing wrong, so it wont happen again.

Im just gonna add that Im always have been the serious kind of player, not like these is no other way then hardcore all over the place, but my will is strong and my heart is in the right place when it comes to dedication. Im always willing to do whats best for the guild, and I dont care if me or another guy gets the loot, killing the boss is reward enought for me, dont need some purple pixels as treat...


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Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman Empty Links:

Post  Räserbaj Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:05 pm

Dont seems like the links got attached...Hmm...

<-- is armory
and my talents + glyphs can be found -->

(Could apperently not edit my post as guest Razz)


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Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman Empty Re: Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman

Post  Afethiel Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:56 am

I just trolled here for the Laugh.

But this guild havent been raiding for about 4 Months now.


Posts : 52
Join date : 2010-05-01
Age : 32

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Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman Empty Re: Räserbajs - Restoration Shaman

Post  Odielrin Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:18 am

I dont like blue so declined

Former Officer, Odiel


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