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Zverdslukar: Elementalist(MS) Resto(OS) Shaman

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Zverdslukar: Elementalist(MS) Resto(OS) Shaman Empty Zverdslukar: Elementalist(MS) Resto(OS) Shaman

Post  Zverdz Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:40 am

A. Basic Information

* Name? Thomas
* Age? 19 Gender? Male
* Time zone? GMT +1
* Occupation? Highschool
* Tell us a little about yourself. i live in Norway i exist only to spend my moms money on playtime, and i have a huge interest in computers and computer parts.
* How long have you played WoW? 5 years
* Total time on this character? 82 days (35 days in level 80)
* Do you intend to play long term? ofc!..aslong as my mom keeps paying my bills..

B. System Information

* What are your computer system specs? intel core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz, 4.0GB ram, ATI Radeon HD 5800 series

* Do you have a mic? yes
* Do you have any objections to speaking on vent when needed?
* Do you have any disconnection problem at all? very rarly
* Average Latency while raiding? 300-500
* Average FPS in raid during a boss? 100+

C. Raiding and Character information

1. Character Name | Spec | Class | Race
Zverdslukar Ele Shaman Troll
2. Are you a clicker? Be honest nope

3. Are you exalted with Sons of Hodir? yes

4. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? Specify the guilds you were in/leadership role/responsibility.
no raiding record from classic or burning crusade. 12/12 ICC10 11/12 ICC25 4/12 ICC10HC normal raider in Supreme.

5. Provide an armory link to your character and a wowhead link to your normal raiding spec.

6. You will need lots of consumables to keep up with the pace during progression raids. Do you have the will and time to put in enough effort to keep an adequate amount?
yes of course
7. Will you come to a progression raid having already read any available information relevant to encounters?
yes i allways does Smile

8. What do you think about beginning raids early and staying beyond the required raid times to down new content?
i love to raid i don't mind if its 4 hours or 12 hours..aslong its a progress raid and i havent done the same content several times i won't b bored at all.

9. Post a WWS report / Wow Meter Online / World of Logs of a few recent raids in your guild. If your guild does not run these, post a screenshot(s) of your recount for some boss encounters. (DO NOT LEAVE THIS OUT) only raided in supreme..but its no record for it..havent been raiding on a few months

10. Post a screenshot of your UI while in a raid enviroment (in combat). (Give a list of any relevant addons not shown.) don't have a screenie now and i was not in a raid while i wrote this.

D. Dual Spec ele/resto yes

1. What is your secondary spec? resto

2. Are you able to play it as well as your main spec? no because of gear

3. Are you willing to change your main spec and/or secondary spec for guild needs?secondary meybe..but not main..as my only gear all ilvl 264+ is for that main spec but if i get the gear for other specs i'm willing

E. Other Questions

1. What guild are you currently in? Who is/was the GM? Include their website. supreme is my current guild, tuti is the guild master www.wow-supreme.com

2. Why are you leaving your current guild?
its inactive..4-10 members online daily and i need to raid HC to get any better gear.
3. Do you play actively outside of raiding? yes

4. Are you able to take and improve upon harsh criticism?


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-08-28

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