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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution] Empty Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

Post  Psylon the tard Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:02 pm

The Holy Banhammer by Psylon the Holy Tardhammer

The Specc I use is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
The specc is what I believe is the best at this moment.
Aura Mastery combined with an Resistence aura will take down the damage from aoe spells or dirrect hard hitting spells from that resistence aura by quite an nice amount and will make it easier for the healers
For an Example Lich King fight when the phase shifts happens it will be some aoe damage that is nice to make lower as healers and everyone is moving.
Ok enough talk about Retribution speccs

The ``Rotation``

Retribution paladins don’t really have any rotation. We got a priority list and it goes like this
1. Hand of Reckoning – this spell is only usable on some certan fights like Lady Deathwhisper on phase 1 on her shield and on Gunship on the mage, on Sindragosa’s Icetombs and on Lich King’s Valkyrs. I pic this one first as it dont go by Global Cooldown and can derby be combined with the Judgement or any other spell
2. Judgement – Not much to say on this spell it is our Hardest hitting spell and it gives us and other people mana back
3. Divinie Storm – with 2 t10 it becomes insanely good and should allways be on CD.
4. Crusader Strike - CS hits like a limp noodle now but it still procs SoV, making it close to judgement in terms of dps. It is ahead of judgement because of the very short cd, and delaying a CS by even a second reduces DPS by a large amount.
5. Hammer of Wrath- This skill only comes into play when a mob is at 20%; it's extremely high crit rate and fairly short CD makes it lovly
6. Consecration - Consecration moves near the top of the pile only against multiple (4+) adds.
7. Exorcism - It hits hard, but because of it's somewhat long cooldown (15s) and reliance on spellhit, it isn't great dps. Do not use this on a pull because it will not be instant cast, and will delay entering melee combat. Against Undeads I tend to move this over Consecration because it then seems to do more dps whatever spell hit…. Specialy if it is a movement boss
8. Holy Wrath - Only effective against multiple (6+) demons/undead, you are better off using your free GCD casting Divine Plea or a SS on someone. This is as close to a mana dump skill as we have.
And then try to get in Divine Plea when you are at roughly 95% after have done an judgement
And if you are Belf get in Arcane Torrent when you are low on mana as it dosent go by Global Cooldown
Ok that is the so called rotation. This is what I use some other people maybe have something ells but this is what I think is best.


Hitcapping is extremely easy with gear alone and shouldn't be gemmed or enchanted for.
Strengh is the no.1 stat to go for. But it alters if the Attack Power on the item get’s higher then the strengh+ 15% 10% strengh(the 10% for Kings) but however if the for an example the Agility is high enough for making the Crit look to nastly good for skipping we take the Lether

We paladins need 52.08 agility to gain 1% melee crit. crit is flat out better, however agility does scale with raid buffs such as Blessing of Kings where crit does not.

Crit gives Spell crit and Melee/Ranged crit, but as most of our spells are Melee/Ranged Agility is still nice and as Agility gives more crit per stat

We are quite reliant on critical strikes to do damage. The crit cap is on 71% crit raid buffed wich is roughly 60% crit UB
It is not worth gemming for it, gem for Strengh instead. You need 45.9 crit rating to gain 1% crit at 80. This stat gains no benefits from raid buffs, but you get more per itemization point from crit than you do AGI. This stat also increases your spell crit rating, making it flat out superior to Agility

Expertise, 8.2 rating gives 1 expertise; you need 214 expertise rating (26 expertise, 6.5%) to reach the cap. If you are a human using a sword/mace you need 23 expertise (189 rating), and if you are a dwarf using a mace you need 21 expertise (173 rating) to reach the cap due to racials. Capping this stat is a significant dps increase vs uncapped (or none at all) as it affects our whites and strikes. Anything over the cap is utterly worthless and wasted itemization points. Do not gem for expertise, let it come naturally with gear or glyphs

for paladins we get 30% more haste from each rating point. Haste increases white damage and SoV damage by giving you a few more attacks against a boss; haste does NOT decrease the GCD on our strikes/judgements, but slightly decreases spell GCD (cons, exo). You will find plenty of it on our sets and pieces, don't enchant or gem for it. You need 25.2 haste rating for 1% haste. Despite all these buffs for haste, it still isn't a great stat for ret and should not be stacked or specifically aimed for.

Armor Penetration only affects about 35% of our damage, making it our least desired stat. 13.8 rating now gives you 1% armor piercing. Armor Penetration does NOT increase damage done by seals or judgements, just white damage, CS and DS. But as White and DS is some of our highest damaging things i would go for some Arp.


Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
This is the preferred meta, simply because of fairly easy gem requirements. You do lose between .5 and 1 DPS between this and the [Chaotic Skyflare Diamond but you gain more DPS by not using 2 blue gems. Do not use Chaotic Skyflare Diamond because 2 blue gems suck.

You will be using one (and only one) of these to fulfill your meta requirement. Use it in a blue slot, preferably one with a good socket bonus (like strengh).
Nightmare Tear]

Red slots:
20 str gems
Bold Cardinal Ruby

Yellow slots:
If a yellow socket has a 4 strengh bonus or better,
Etched Ametrine]
Inscribed Ametrine]

Blue slots:
Gemming for blue sockets is always a dps loss until we have 10 str socket bonuses (aka, not in this xpac). You should use the prismatic tear above.


Head: Arcanum of Torment
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Axe / Lesser Inscription of the Axe
Chest: Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats / Enchant Chest - Super Stats
Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Major Agility / Flexweave Underlay
Bracers: Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault
Hands: Enchant Gloves – Crusher / Hyperspeed Accelerators
Legs: Icescale Leg Armor
Feet: Enchant Boots: Enchant Boots - Greater Assault / Nitro Boots
Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Berserking

How berserking works: Berserking is a ppm based proc, similar to mongoose (1.2 ppm) - in a raid environment it has a ~35% uptime. It can only trigger off attacks flagged as melee attacks and melee specials (Judgements, CS, DS, white swings). Napkin math shows that in a scenario with a 35% uptime, the enchant is worth ~135AP on average, and up to/more than ~250AP if RNG favors you - in both normal and lucky cases, it is clearly the superior weapon enchant.

What does the Retribution paladin bring to the raid? And what other classes can bring them asswel

3% crit to raid Ret / Ele shaman
3% all damage to raid Ret / BM hunter
3% haste to raid Ret / Moonkin
100% JoW/JoL uptime Ret or prot paladin
Replenishment to 10 raid members Ret / Spriest / Destro lock / Frost mage / Surv Hunter
Blessing of Kings / Imp Blessing of Might Any paladin-
AP Debuff Ret or Prot paladin / Warriors / Warlocks / Ferals

What sort of Weapons?

We want a slow weapon. Every .1 speed slower is equal to ~20 DPS due to Seals and Judgements not being normalized to weapon speeds.
Ofc…the Seal of Vengeance will be stacked up faster with an fast weapon but after that it is useless and because almost all our dmg is from instant attacks we want to put so much dmg on them

Change to 1hander and a shield?

No it will be an dps lose duo all the other attacks and the 2h dmg in its self is enough to make up for the little faster up stackt on Seal ov vengeance.

The best stat on a weapon for an Retribution paladin is Streangh and crit the more of them the happier paladin.


The best trinkets is Heroic Tiny Abomination in a jar and Heroic Sharpened Twilight Scale
The overall Trinket ranking
Tiny Abomination in a Jar(Heroic)>Tiny Abomination in a Jar>Sharpened Twilight Scale (heroic)>Death's Choice (heroic)>Whispering Fanged Skull (heroic)>Sharpened Twilight Scale>Death's Choice>Whispering Fanged Skull>Deathbringer's Will(heroic)>Herkuml War Token>Deathbringer's Will>DMC:Greatness (Strength)>Comet's Trail
Macros i use
/cancelaura righteous fury
For fights like Blood Queen Lana´thel and you want to get the bite or when you off tank something in retri gear..lol…lol on the last one WHHAHAH

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] hammer of wrath
For mouseover powning targets

/cast [target=focus, exists] hammer of justice
For fights like Saurfang and you are gonna stun one of the mobs this is a great damage increase as you wont target something els and will do some more with White hits

/focus Mouseover
Easy peasy it gives me Focus target over the one I mouseover great combined with focus target hammer of justice

/cast [target=targettarget] Hand of Protection; Hand of Protection
Cast’s HoP on my targets target which is great if some1 else have taken agro and you fast wants to get a HoP on him/her/buzo.

/cast [target=mouseover,nomod,exists] flash of light
Great for off healing together with an addon like Grid

/cast Avenging Wrath
For the extra feeling

/cast [target=focus, exists] repentance
Repentance your Focus target which is great combined with Focus target mouseover macro

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help, nodead] [@player] Cleanse
For mouseover cleansing great together with an addon like Grid

/g RAWR ---> STFU
It helps your dps…I promise…..

/cast Judgement
Grea t for getting into combat again after some spell that would take you out of it….igot this for all my spells

/cast [target=focus, exists] Hand of Protection

Nothing to say here really…Focus target HoP

/cancel aura Divine Shield
If you for an example takes agro and you just pop bubble fast up I use this to take down bubble fast again so my dmg wont be lowered for 12sec

/cast [target=slox] hand of protection

…who dosent love to fuck with slox and lower his dps ? xD <3

I also have Macros for Equiping 1h tank wep and tank shield and for equipping healing 1h and healing shield and ofc for my 2h pew pew wepon also for my 1h tank and tank shield igot /cast Shield of Righteousness

Enginering and Jewelcrafting is by far the best proffesions for Rpalas

Buff food and Flask
40str 40stam food Dragonfin Filet is the best Buff food
180 ap flask of Endless Rage
Potion of speed

Well Boys and Buzo…Girls I mean, This is the Guide for Retribution paladins By Psylon the Holy Banhammer
Geez…I have prolly forgotten a ton of stuff and zillions of miss spellings and typos and what ever things but…yeh.
If you have any things you are wondering i will mostly be happy to answer them.

and for the goosh of all paladins dont forget this

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Last edited by Psylon the tard on Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Psylon the tard
Psylon the tard

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Join date : 2010-05-01
Age : 32
Location : Sweden. Stokholm

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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution] Empty Re: Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

Post  Amaríl Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:17 pm

"Retribution paladins don’t really have any rotation." - Psylon.

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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution] Empty Re: Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

Post  Jezebely Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:00 am

Expertise, 8.2 rating gives 1 expertise; you need 214 expertise rating (26 expertise, 6.5%) to reach the cap. If you are a human using a sword/mace you need 23 expertise (189 rating), and if you are a dwarfusing a mace you need 21 expertise (173 rating) to reach the cap due to racials. Capping this stat is a significant dps increase vs uncapped (or none at all) as it affects our whites and strikes. Anything over the cap is utterly worthless and wasted itemization points. Do not gem for expertise, let it come naturally with gear or glyphs

Nice allyfag guide Razz


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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution] Empty Re: Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

Post  Psylon the tard Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:10 am

as humans and dwarfs is the only races wich can be Paladin and haves a thing like that..yeah it is a Paladin Guide not Horde paladin guide
Psylon the tard
Psylon the tard

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Age : 32
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Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution] Empty Re: Paladin, The Holy Banhammer [Retribution]

Post  Mightybull Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:30 pm

/g RAWR ---> STFU
It helps your masturbating psykko. mabe he can do more dps then? dunno.. dont wanna know...


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