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[ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage

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[ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage Empty [ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage

Post  Yanitwo Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:21 am

A. Basic Information

* Name? Dave
* Age? Gender? 19, Male
* Time zone? GMT (UK)
* Occupation?
Freelance Website Designer / Student
* Tell us a little about yourself. Well as said, my names Dave, I'm a student in the UK who makes his money freelancing in web design. I enjoy going to the gym, spending time with friends and playing wow.
* How long have you played WoW? Since 2 weeks after release. Also played extensively in beta.
* Total time on this character? Total time played 68 days, but I have 6+ charachters I have called my main over the years. However, I am not an altoholic, and I'll justify this later on in my post.
* Do you intend to play long term? I have not quit once in the last 5 years, so I don't think so.

B. System Information

* What are your system specs? 9800 GTS, E8400 Dual core, 4 gigs of ram (3.33) running on Windows XP (For life).
* Do you have a mic? Yes
* Do you have any objections to speaking on vent when needed? Nope, if anything I'll be refraining myself from being too vocal.
* Do you have any disconnection problem at all? No
* Average Latency while raiding? ~30
* Average FPS in raid during a boss? 60 solid.

C. Raiding and Character information

1. Character Name: Yanitwo | Spec: Arcane, will spec fire when needed | Class: Mage | Race: Undead

2. Are you a clicker? Be honest: I click food and mounts. Sorry

3. Are you exalted with Sons of Hodir? No, I am a scribe.

4. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? Specify the guilds you were in/leadership role/responsibility.


Various small guilds forming at the start of the server and first hitting 60, clearing some of MC, e.t.c.

Vashj Alliance: Nightmare - raided and cleared MC/BWL/Huhurhan in AQ40, attempts on Twins. Played as a member (Rogue), left due to IRL issues at the time.

Sunstrider Alliance: Unable to recall the name, began filling in for a friend who went on Holiday and wished to continue raiding in his guild, and ultimately quit. Played a dwarf Shadow/Holy priest throughout Naxxramas 40, clearing upto Sapphiron until around 2 months before TBC when the guild folded to to TBC blues.

Boulderfist/Burning Steppes Horde: Rerolled an Undead Shadowpriest on my own account after enjoying it on my friends account two months before TBC, and began raiding in another guild (Unsure of name), getting an early kill on Gruul and other bosses. Guild eventually died out again due to Officer drama, so I transferred to Burning Steppes to join a guild which disbanded the day after I arrived.

Vashj Alliance: Came back to Vashj alliance socially and leveled my Rogue, dabbled in some PvP and played in guilds such as Enigma and Prelapse (Enigma was extremely bad but I enjoyed the social aspect, so raid lead 20 morons into Lady Vashj trying to get a kill week after week.) In Prelapse cleared a large chunk of BT and MH.

Vashj Horde: Began leveling a Horde Mage after befriending a small group of good players, who then formed Juggernaut at the end of TBC. Cleared MH and most of BT in this guild wearing welfare epics and greens. Wen't into WoTLK being one of the first 80 Mages and clearly Naxx 10 and 25 early on. Juggernaut then merged into Endure, at which point Endure became a top contender for server firsts on bosses, and ended up with a server 3rd kill on Yogg'Saron as a newly formed guild. Merged into Notorious soon after due to players leaving (Summer breaks) which didn't really ammount to anything.

Took a small break here due to health issues with RSI

Leveled my Rogue back up to 80, and transfered to Horde when faction change was introduced. Joined up with a group of players from Notorious and eventually ended up in Vera Illumination, from which I left due to a bad raiding atmosphere.

Leveled my Warlock (Yanie) and setup the guild Serrated with a group of friends from the Endure core, in an attempt to bring back the glory days of Endure. Went well and had a really good core, but stuggled to fill the rest of the ranks with good players. However, we were still able to go from a group of undergeared players to top 3 on the server, ending up with 11/12 ICC25 and top 3 spot despite not even starting the guild until 3 weeks into Icecrown. Guild disbanded due to apparently the Officers being too "mean", and everyone in the guild who wasn't the core banded together and transfered off. My apologies for shouting when people continually died on BQ / Sindragosa.

Began playing my Mage again for PvP purposes, but after speccing Arcane for my PvE offspec for pugs, am sort of enjoying it. Still longing for 25 man raids, I thought I would try my chances here.

5. Provide an armory link to your character and a wowhead link to your normal raiding spec.


Spec: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-talents.xml?r=Vashj&cn=Yanitwo&group=1

Notes: I won't lie, my gear is lacking. Made up of some PvP epics and as much 10 man gear I could get my hands on. Understand gemming is inconsistant in some items (gemmed for PvP), but will be resolved if I am accepted. I have both 264 crafted items, and have done as much 10 man and 25 man ICC as I can to try and up the gear.

Note: Do not apply if you are way undergeared, you are not a special snowflake, this is a number game. You are not much better at pressing buttons than other people are.

I did read this, and completely disagree with the premise. I can understand you get alot of bad undergeared players claiming they are fantastic, but hopefully you will see some potential in this application.

6. You will need lots of consumables to keep up with the pace during progression raids. Do you have the will and time to put in enough effort to keep an adequate amount?
Of course.

7. Will you come to a progression raid having already read any available information relevant to encounters? Of course.

8. What do you think about beginning raids early and staying beyond the required raid times to down new content? If I am required to play until the early hours of the morning to kill a boss, I would be more than happy too.

9. Post a WWS report / Wow Meter Online / World of Logs of a few recent raids in your guild. If your guild does not run these, post a screenshot(s) of your recount for some boss encounters. (DO NOT LEAVE THIS OUT) Unfortunately all of our old logs for Serrated have expired on World of Logs, and I have not taken anything down for the pugs on my Mage.

10. Post a screenshot of your UI while in a raid enviroment (in combat). (Give a list of any relevant addons not shown.)

[ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage Vlcsnap2010061118h09m07

DBM Not shown.

Snowflake on left indicates Fingers of Frost proc.

D. Dual Spec

1. What is your secondary spec?
PvP spec, will happily respec to Fire tho for some encounters.

2. Are you able to play it as well as your main spec? Yes, I have played Fire extensively throughout WoTLK

3. Are you willing to change your main spec and/or secondary spec for guild needs? Yes

E. Other Questions

1. What guild are you currently in? Who is/was the GM? Include their website.
Serrated, I was and still am the GM, www.serrated-guild.com (Been left unused for a while).

2. Why are you leaving your current guild? Because we have stopped raiding due to issues, and only PvP now.

3. Do you play actively outside of raiding? Yes, I PvP and just hang out with my friends.

4. Are you able to take and improve upon harsh criticism?
Yes, I would expect nothing less.

Other Armorys for Reference:

Yanie - Warlock

Yani - Rogue

Yn - Hunter

I do understand entirely if you decline my based on gear, all I hope is that you give me a chance, and that perhaps you can see a good player that would fit nicely into your ranks.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


(Regarding what I posted about the alts. At no point have I ever left a guild, or changed my main charachter, to the detriment of the guild. When I play with a guild, I stay with them for the long run and through thick and thin. Just thought I would clear that up so I don't look like some loot horny guy trying to gear up his alt.)


Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-06-11

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[ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage Empty Re: [ACCEPTED] Yanitwo - Arcane Mage

Post  Stauros Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:34 pm

I have heard good rumors about you and i would like to give you a chance before we can judge based on gear. Just so you know your performance - attitude will be the major things that will judge if you are passing trial or not. Welcome

Posts : 108
Join date : 2010-05-01


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